NetbaseQuid aspires to be the world’s most comprehensive measurement of public opinion and sentiment. They are leveraging the world’s largest social media audit data platform. NetbaseQuid tracks more than five billion data points daily to help companies understand what consumers say about their brands on Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms.
NetbaseQuid offers a comprehensive set of services that span from strategic analytics consulting to market research production, grounded in deep insights gleaned from real-time engagement with millions of consumers around the globe. Their team brings decades of experience using consumer conversations to inform global brands and Fortune 1000 companies. Here are some ways NetbaseQuid could help reach business goals.
1. Analyzing the Links Between Offline and Online Engagement
The conventional view of consumer behavior is that people spend most of their time online, which is why understanding how consumers use offline channels to influence their online behavior is important. This “offline to online” opportunity may be worth about $4.4 billion for consumer products and services firms. In addition, the best sources of offline influence are mass media, family and friends, and word-of-mouth in-store.
2. Identifying Influencers and Targeting them with Social Ads
Because of NetbaseQuid’s high quality and large data set, brands can use social analysis to identify influential users who impact consumer behavior. Brands can use this information to create targeted ads more likely to appeal to the audience. Many brands are already working with NetbaseQuid to identify influential users, but the more they use this information to target their marketing efforts, the more successful they will be.
3. Assessing and Improving Social Media Marketing Effectiveness
NetbaseQuid’s NetbaseQuid Social Analytics service provides a comprehensive view of brand perception, sentiment, and engagement by measuring the links between offline and online behavior. Brands can use this information to assess the effectiveness of their social media audit marketing and to optimize their marketing efforts. Also, a social media audit will give you a list of the most influential users using the brand’s social media channels to talk about themselves and your brand. In addition, they can measure which influencers are more effective at influencing behavior and use them as a guide to figure out which people to target with ads.
4. High-Quality Research for Competitive Analysis
NetbaseQuid’s unrivaled data set allows its clients to identify leading companies in market segments they could compete in, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and develop planned actions that will help them build sustainable competitive advantage. This is especially useful when brands consider entering new segments or expanding into new countries or product areas.
NetbaseQuid also offers various other analytics services, including Media Sentiment Analytics, which measures the sentiment and attitude of media content. NetbaseQuid also helps its clients better understand the competitive landscape. NetbaseQuid’s competitive analysis allows clients to compare their performance to that of their competitors within a particular category or industry over time.
5. Improve and Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Efforts
NetbaseQuid’s analytics services will help companies use the information they have gathered from social media audit to inform strategic decisions in their marketing departments. NetbaseQuid can help companies determine how effective their marketing efforts have been, how well they are working with influencers, and what strategies will be most effective. NetbaseQuid can help companies identify opportunities to improve and present them with ideas and strategies they can use to achieve their goals.
The information generated by NetbaseQuid is beneficial for companies because it gives them a clear look at the public perception of their brands and what people are saying about them on social media, which they can use to develop better strategies.